Noturno is the seventh production by Grupo Teatro Invertido from Belo Horizonte. The storyline has as a backdrop an unusual situation: the end of the world that is slowly approaching and has already occurred in other areas of the planet. The plot unfolds at a casual meeting between five former childhood friends on a sunny sunday afternoon.
The development of the visual identity of the show took as its starting point analog photographs that were taken during the rehearsals. The camera simulates a movement in the image through the frame sequence. The work with intense and blurred color photos reveals a climate of saturation and uncertainty, pointing to the imminence of a near and inexorable future. The font used for the title alludes to science fiction posters. The play's program works like a flipbook and recreates the anguish and movement of the characters towards the unknown.
✱ Graphic material: poster and show's program
Project specifics
- Graphic project
Filipe Lampejo
- Portfolio photography
Mateus Lustosa
✱ Pôster
✱ Folder - Flipbook